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Melhore sua pele e cabelo com esses cinco alimentos

Comer de forma saudável faz muito mais do que controlar o ganho e perda de peso e prevenir doenças. Saúde se mostra tanto na parte interna quanto na parte externa do corpo: falta de nutrientes afetam a pele, cabelo e unhas muito mais do que você imagina. Quer ter um cabelo maravilhoso e uma pele super macia e saudável? Dá uma olhada nessa lista de alimentos mágicos:



Metade de um kiwi tem mais do que a dose diária que precisamos de vitamina C, responsável pela síntese de colágeno, que é essencial para combater as rugas e deixar a pele macia e com elasticidade. Além disso, esta fruta possui uma boa quantidade de fibras, vitamina E e K.

Quer uma receita super fácil para consumi-lo? Basta clicar aqui.



Além de serem uma ótima fonte de proteínas, eles contêm Biotina, que é uma vitamina essencial para a saúde dos cabelos e crescimento dos fios. Muitas pessoas o aplicam diretamente no couro cabeludo, mas ao invés disso, você pode fazer uma receita super fácil e deliciosa que fará o mesmo efeito, com a vantagem de não ficar cheirando ovo no final.

Ovo mexido cremoso
-2 ovos
-50ml de leite integral
-½ colher (sopa) de manteiga
-Sal a gosto

-Derreta a manteiga na frigideira (fogo baixo). -Adicione os ovos, e mexa até ficar uniforme. Tampe a frigideira e espere engrossar.
-Coloque o leite e aguarde até ficar um pouco mais espesso.
-Por último, acrescente o sal. Se quiser que fique mais saboroso ainda, salpique orégano e queijo parmesão.
-Está pronto! Agora é só servir.



Se você não gosta de ovos, as nozes são uma ótima maneira de obter biotina. Elas também têm uma boa quantidade de ômega-3, o que é ótimo para vegetarianos, já que a fonte mais fácil desse ácido são os peixes. Como a deficiência em ômega-3 pode deixar a pele seca, e até criar eczemas, tente adicionar nozes às suas saladas, pois fica uma delícia!

Quer uma receita super simples?

Salada com nozes 
-1 porção de alface
-100g de nozes sem sal
-queijo parmesão a gosto
-molho italiano a gosto
-100g de milho em lata

Misture todos os ingredientes e está pronto!



Além de deixar a pele com uma cor mais bonita e ser boa para os olhos, a cenoura ajuda bastante os cabelos, dando aquele look brilhante - isso tudo por causa da vitamina A, que ajuda a manter os óleos dos fios e o couro cabeludo em boas condições.

Que tal uma saladinha de cenoura?



Espinafre é uma fonte maravilhosa de vitaminas, especialmente do tipo B, C e E, assim como potássio, cálcio, ferro, magnésio e ômega-3 - sendo que todos esses nutrientes são importantíssimos para a saúde do cabelo e das unhas. O ferro, além de evitar anemia, ajuda a hemoglobina a carregar oxigênio aos folículos, o que é importantíssimo para o crescimento do cabelo. 

Olha essa receita de chips de espinafre.

Todos estes alimentos podem ser facilmente incorporados à sua dieta. E, se você não tem tempo para preparar estas receitas, saiba que todos estes ingredientes são utilizados em smoothies saborosos e nutritivos que você pode pedir bem aqui e recebê-los no conforto da sua casa.

Espero que tenham gostado das receitas! Beijos!

Me acompanhe nas redes sociais, curta e inscreva-se ♥

10 comentários:

  1. Amo Kiwi, e cenoura! Não sabia de tudo isso :O. Adorei!! bjss

  2. Ótimas informações, adorei <33
    Parabéns pelo blog, já estou seguindo para poder acompanhar as novidades

  3. Olá primeiramente quero desejar um ótimo ano que está começando.
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    Vou divulgar seu blog em minhas redes, posso te mandar os locais são mais de 2 milhões de visualizações.

    Sozinho vamos Rápido. Juntos vamos Longe!
    Prof Rosi Feliciano Oliveira
    Se preferir pode falar comigo no WhatsApp 43991334541

  4. Não sabia de todas esses alimentos sabia da cenoura, muito bom

  5. nice information.
    Best CA in janakpuri,delhi

    Being designated as chartered accountant , Delhi is not way easy as playing a hit and miss game rather it require efficiency and proficiency in the work
    The persons with abbreviation Ca in Delhi with their names are the one who have worked day and night and have been facing the toughest known competition
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    Lexntax is Ca Services Provider Company in Delhi comprises of verified personals prosing the most desirable skills also offers GST return service provider in Delhi, Gurgaon, Uttam Nagar, Dwarka Mor,
    They are best known for their amazing skills
    Let me now list up their qualities for you so that you can trust them and stay relaxed :
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    So now whenever you get stuck or feel tensed about find best CA in janakpuri delhi make sure you visit Lexntax to get all your problems solved in efficient and effective manner

  6. Great blogger.
    Tips on how to unpack your belongings after relocating in Gurgaon
    In India, Packers Movers in Gurgaon is rumored to be one of the largest moving, pressing and transportation specialist companies in the nation. We have a network of offices in urban communities all around the country to serve customers at their doorstep. For all your moving needs, we are dedicated to giving you a complete solution. Atrans packers and movers Door to Door delivery service in Gurgaon meets your needs. Getting rid of your entire house is one of the toughest tasks and getting rid of your kids makes it even more challenging. The best way to ensure a smooth move to a new home with children and to execute all relocation plans without hiring a professional Gurgaon relocation services is to hire a relocation company.
    The following tips will help to relocate children in a peaceful way, since they take longer to adjust to new surroundings.
    Check out these articles: What to Do After Successful Office Shifting in Gurgaon How to Find the Right Movers and Packers Company in Gurgaon for Smooth Moving Precautions to Take Before Hiring Home Relocation Services? . Check These Tips before You Hire the Best Movers and Packers Company in Gurgaon

    1. Precautions to Take before Hiring -If you have kids who are old enough to understand, organize a family meeting before moving. Make sure they are involved in some decision making, so they feel more responsible. Talk about your adventures last time you moved. Tell children about the benefits of living in a new neighborhood. Assure kids that no matter where they ended up, Atrans packers and movers in Gurgaon would still be able to stay in touch with the people they used to know.
    2. Encourage Children for Self-Packing- Provide children with packing materials and teach them how to pack properly as the moving date grows closer. Encourage children to do their own packing. Packing on Atrans packers and movers in Gurgaon own will make them more responsible towards belongings as well as increase their excitement for relocating to a new place. This will make moving the most exciting experience of their lives. Give children essential instructions while they pack their belongings. Children love to perform adult responsibilities with passion.
    3. Enroll Children in New School- In addition to academics, children have a wide range of interests, from sports and music to music and art. Enrolling them into a new school is a challenging task. It is always recommended to confirm and ensure that your child will receive these curriculum activities for the development of his/her character before enrolling in a school. Many schools claim they offer these facilities but it is always recommended to confirm and ensure that they do.
    4. While Moving- Make sure your kids don't feel the anxiety you feel when moving. Rather, they should see it as a chance to make their future even better.
    Keep kids' favorite juices and food items readily accessible. Let them listen to music of their choosing.
    5. After Relocation in Gurgaon
    Immediately after moving, make sure that the boundary fencing is secure and free of holes from all sides. Children who play alone are prone to escape this type of fencing. Outside animals will also have difficulty entering the property.
    Changing environments often cause behavior changes in children. Don't get upset over every little thing and let kids settle down. In the beginning, they may make mistakes due to anxiety.

  7. nice article.
    Tips for hair Transplant In Ludhiana
    Are you aware that some people suffer from hair loss? Both men and women with different ages face this genetic problem. Walia Hospital in Ludhiana , The surgeon needs to know exactly what you want or expect from the transplant surgery and what you prefer from it. The best idea for your hairline and scalp is to seek advice and suggestions from other people. It is caused by a variety of factors, including-
    1. Diet
    2. Stress
    3. Baldness runs in the family
    4. Anabolizing steroids also increases male pattern baldness
    Benefits of Hair Transplant Ludhiana:-
    • It is important that individuals consider the advantages of undergoing hair transplantation in Ludhiana and familiarize themselves with all the aspects of the procedure before undergoing this procedure.
    • 99% of patients who have the surgery feel happy with the results, but there are a few patients who do not. There are less than 1% of surgeries with no results. Surgery is long-lasting, natural, and guaranteed to bring results.
    • Value for money: When you get a hair transplant in Ludhiana, you pay one time and you enjoy the results for years to come.
    • One-time treatment: the patient will not need another procedure in the future if he or she undergoes a hair transplant in Ludhiana, and there is less chance for another procedure when the patient undergoes a hair transplant in the future.
    • Maintenance: After your hair transplant surgery in Ludhiana, you will not have to pay for any maintenance. It is important to follow your post-operative instructions for your hair transplant.

    Things to consider before Hair Transplant in Ludhiana
    You should consider the following things before and after a Hair Transplant Ludhiana:
    • Hair loss that runs in families
    During your senior years, you'll notice your seniors are in their 50s and 60s. You may have an inclination to perceive that your thinning up will progress afterward depending on how your scantiness has been developing within your twenties and thirties. This is an extremely basic procedure, as you may need additional transplants in areas where your hair will continually fall out. If you end up with sparse patches of hair, this procedure will definitely be used again.
    • Recovery time at the optimal level
    It is approximately seven to fourteen days after transplantation. For at least 48 hours or as directed by your doctor, we recommend not consuming alcohol or any other related substance. It takes patience and time for a hair transplant to be successful. Intercession results in hair growth within three months, and the entire process takes eight to nine months.
    • Is the procedure of hair transplantation painful? How safe is Hair Transplant Ludhiana?
    Walia Hospital in Ludhiana An experienced surgeon using the latest technology can perform an effective hair transplant that is neither painful nor unsafe. In addition, people often ask this question before and after they undergo hair transplant surgery.
    • The amount of time a session consumes
    A helpful office performs different tasks based on the meeting. As a general rule, the complete hair transplant procedure should take between four and five hours. Before undergoing hair transplantation in Ludhiana, taking this into consideration is crucial.
    • Hair transplantation at a certain age
    As long as the patient has good health and a decent donor, both in terms of thickness and in terms of hair measurements, hair transplantation is not tied to a specific age.
    In addition to the fact that the age limit for hair transplantation is between 18 and 80 years, most specialists recommend completing it between 30 and 40 years of age. The thinking is that it is reasonable to anticipate the progression of alopecia in the future.
    • Natural appearance
    A reliable medical group consistently aims to achieve the greatest level of lightness and thickness in the alopecic zones while maintaining aesthetics. Clinical cases can be consulted and outcomes can be checked to determine the conclusive outcomes.

  8. good information.
    Give a sky to your dreams by developing your skills with WebMok
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  9. I like this post.
    Household Goods Storage and Relocation Services in Bangalore

    In this Automated Era, everyone wants to ease their efforts in regards of anything which you do in day to day life circle. Household Goods Storage and Relocation Services in Bangalore It seems to be a severe headache when we even think about our household or office stuffs to move from one place to another, shifting has been always an hectic task since Stone Age era. At that time we had gigantic animals to move things from one place to another now we have machines, and to manage everything we have organizations like packers and movers companies who stimulates every task of packing and moving with so much ease that it feels like automation. Household Goods Storage and Relocation Services in Bangalore In recent times we have seen boom in the packing and moving sector in India as well. Few major packers and movers like Bansal storage system based in Bangalore city in state of Karnataka commencing the business with expertise handling and on time service delivery track record since past 15 years & running. They are not only providing packers and movers facility but they also felicitate the client by providing huge storage space at their dedicated warehouse system that ensures sanitized, pest controlled and highly secure warehousing solution so that you can keep your belongings safe enough and makes you shifting process more satisfactory and everlasting experience without any hassle.
    Household Goods Storage and Relocation Services in Bangalore
    Commercial Goods Storage services in Bangalore
    Storage facility for Short and Long Term services in Bangalore
    Electronic Goods Storage services in Bangalore
    Four Wheeler Vehicle Shifting Services in Bangalore
    Documents Storage Services in Bangalore
    Packers and Movers Services in Bangalore
    Two Wheeler Shifting Services in Bangalore

    Household Goods Storage and Relocation Services in Bangalore
    Commercial Goods Storage services in Bangalore
    Storage facility for Short and Long Term services in Bangalore
    Electronic Goods Storage services in Bangalore
    Four Wheeler Vehicle Shifting Services in Bangalore
    Documents Storage Services in Bangalore
    Packers and Movers Services in Bangalore
    Two Wheeler Shifting Services in Bangalore


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